Yesterday for a rare day off work, I went hiking in the
Auburn State Recreation Area with a close friend. We hiked and scrambled among
rocks along the middle fork of the American
River , an untamed Sierra
river of rapids, sand and gravel bars, and crisp cool waters flowing through
steep forested hills. Given the worsening drought in California , I imagine the flow may have been
low compared to historic levels.
The steep south-facing hill slopes along the river were
covered in abundant flowers, especially blue lupines and California poppies, their brilliant orange
petals consistently smaller here than in other grasslands or gardens. I found milkweeds
and a white species of Castilleja
too. Butterflies were abundant and included a large yellow but black-striped
species, and a black shimmering species. They wouldn't sit still long enough to
be photographed except at a large blooming tree where they congregated in